Today's The Last Day, Tomorrow's The First Day
Surprisingly, I feel sad today. I don't feel like leaving all the good memories I had with the team. That's my very first job. That's the place I learn all the world-class programming style, and one of the best system designs, if not the best. That's where I see all wonderful people who always generous to share all they learn. How I wish my resign notification period could be longer, so that I could stay a little longer in the company.
I have been telling myself in the past one year, it's really time to move on. I know what I want. I know it very clear. I can't hide. I must not procrastinate anymore. It's time for me to face it. That's how I convince myself to resign three months ago.
After 6:00pm of 30 June 2008, I'm a free man. I'm not tied to any company anymore. I'll be concentrating for my own projects, working for myself. As what Robert Kiyosaki said, how do you get job security when your job and your salary is determined by someone else? I'll decide myself this time.
I'll go own my own, unless someone could offer a very very good deal that I can't resist. I'll be working on a few projects I have already secured in my hand, finish them in a few months.
As I work on the projects, I hope I could pick up a technical partner who could handle the system development so that I can concentrate on getting more deals.
Finally, the last thing before I move on. Thanks to the people who brought me up to what I am today. Special thanks to Mr Jonathan Searcy who opened my eyes to the real programming world. I don't think I'll meet another boss like him. To Seng Yaw, who guided me all the way and allowed me to sleep in his car everyday. To Chee Wah, Sze Hau and Jenn Yeh, who showed me the way when I got lost, don't know where to find solution. To Chee Leng, who always provided me with all kind of administration needs. To the others in the department (lsh, khl, smk, kwp, ygl, yhd, hyc, jhp, fyl, mpf, tlt, ken, vik, bas), whom we shared the great memories together. Lastly, to the others in Genting Group, who gave me all the phone calls and emails when I'm sleepy in the office.
OK. Enough with the appreciation. I believe they have heard me. I still have only 20 minutes to plan for my new beginning, to start first day of the new chapter that I have waited for a long time.
Labels: career